Query | Query Description | Prompts |
FSU_BUD_AVAIL_BAL | View Budget, Encumbrance, Expense, and Available Balance by department-fund-account |
FSU_BUD_AVAIL_BAL_DIM | View Division, School Area, DDDHC, Budget Manager, Budget, Encumbrance, Expense, and Available Balance by department-fund-account |
FSU_BUD_FSUF_AVAIL_BAL | View Budget, Encumbrance, Expense, and Available Balance by department-fund-project-account |
FSU_BUD_JRNL_NO_TYPE_PROMPT | View all budget adjustments within a date range |
FSU_BUD_JRNL_W_TYPE_PROMPT | View all budget adjustments or by specific entry type (e.g., recurring original, non-recurring adjustment, etc.) |
FSU_CF_DEPT_ATTRIB2 | View auxiliary-specific information including auxiliary class, overhead percent, mission statement, and fund group |
FSU_CF_DEPT_ALL_DESIGNATIONS | View DDDHC, Budget Manager, Authorized Signer, Salary Preparer, Budget Preparer by department |
FSU_DPT_CODES_DEPTID | View DDDHC, Short Description, Purpose and Department Area |
FSU_DPT_CASH_BALANCE | View departmental cash balance |
FSU_DPT_LEDGER_SUM_W_CF | View GL account ledger summary |
Query | Query Description | Prompts |
FSU_INCUMBENTS_ALL_JOB | View all previous and current incumbents in a position along with any action/reason changes to the position/employee. |
FSU_BUD_POSN_CHNG_ALL | View all changes to a position including rate, funding sources, job code, FTE, report to, etc. |
FSU_FUNDING_HISTORY_RECENT | View all funding for an employee for all appointments |
The Budget Office provides the following classes (click the class title to view the training materials):
Budgeting (BTAC05) - Coming Soon
For Budget Managers and other fiscal personnel. Topics covered include the various types of budget entities at the University, policies and procedures related to each, Budget Manager responsibilities, Commitment Control ledgers, Budget Transfers, and general resources that Financials users may find helpful. Please note: Budgeting related to Sponsored Research or C&G departments are not specifically addressed
Introduction to Auxiliary & Designated (BTBUD2)
For Budget Managers and other fiscal personnel. An introduction to Auxiliaries, including how to create a new auxiliary, classification of different auxiliary types, policies and procedures, rate methodology, audit expectations, and record retention requirements. Other topics covered include a timeline of important dates, overhead assessments, and available resources.
Auxiliary Rate Calculation (BTBUD3)
For budget managers and fiscal personnel who prepare University auxiliary rate calculations. This class covers regulatory framework for a rate calculation, Basic concepts for calculating a rate, an example of an auxiliary rate calculation along with reconciliation of expenses and an allowable cash balance worksheet using University financial records, documents and resources, and models for estimating auxiliary revenue hourly, cost plus and cost plus fixed.
E&G Rate Reconciliation Using BI Reports (BTRRR1)
For school E&G rate managers who balance E&G positions to E&G Allocations. This class covers basic rate reconciliation procedures using the E&G Allocations and E&G Rate Variance reports in BI.
E&G Rate and Salary Budgets (BTRSB1)
An overview of E&G rate, salary, and the resources available for managing E&G salary budgets.
Please visit the Budget Office's Training Videos page on the SharePoint site.
- Departmental Guide to Budget Adjustments
- BI Available Balance Report
- Budget Details and Budget Overview
- Budget Transfer Job Aid
- Department Inactivation Job Aid
- Identifying "Invalid Combinations"
- GL to Budgetary/Sub-Budgetary Account Mappings
- E&G Allocation Report
- E&G Rate Variance Report
- Rate & Salary Reports Access Instructions
- Summer Salary E&G Allocations
- Guide to E&G Salary Budgets
Adaptive Planning
In order to access Adaptive Planning, you must be designated as a Budget Preparer or Salary Preparer and also have the related role. If you are designated as a Budget Preparer on a department, you must also have the Budget Preparer role (FSU_BUD_BUDGET_PREPARER). If you are designated as a Salary Preparer, you must also have the Salary Preparer role (FSU_BUD_SALARY_PREPARER).
To update department designations, please submit Update Existing Department ID Form. To speed up the approval process, please ensure your budget/salary preparer designation is established before requesting the related role.
Below are the associated Financials Department Roles that can be requested through eORR.
- FSU_BUD_BUDGET_PREPARER - Provides departmental users access to enter annual budget requests and view reports.
- FSU_BUD_SALARY_PREPARER - Provides departmental users access to manage position budgeting and view reports.
Role Name | Description | Requirements |
This role grants users edit access to various budget-related processes completed within Adaptive Planning such as the annual Operating Budget entry and Carryforward Spending Plans and Reconciliations. The role also grants read-only access to various reports and dashboards throughout the fiscal year. Additionally, this role grants read-only access to Position Budgeting data by Funding Department ID. |
The user must also have Budget Preparer designations by Department ID in Financials. |
FSU_BUD_SALARY_PREPARER | This role grants users edit access to various salary-related processes completed within Adaptive Planning such as the Position Budgeting component of the Operating Budget entry and Merit Entry. The role also grants read-only access to position-related reports and dashboards throughout the remainder of the year. | The user must also have Salary Preparer designations by Department ID in Financials. |
FSU_BUDGET_TRANSFER | This role grants users the ability to post budget transfers within OMNI Financials. | The user must specify the department and fund ranges needed when requesting the role. |
FSU_BUD_DEPT_USER | This role is like the FSU_BUD_BUDGET_PREPARER role but provides read-only access for Budget Managers. If a user is both Budget Preparer and Budget Manager, please request only the FSU_BUD_BUDGET_PREPARER role. | The user must also have Budget Manager designations by Department ID in Financials. The user cannot also be a Budget Preparer. |
FSU_BUD_CENTRAL_USER | This role is intended only for Central Office users. Please do not request this without the Budget Office's pre-approval. | This role is for Central Office users only. |
FSU_BUD_APPROVER | This role grants VP/DDDHC-level or designated personnel Approver access within Adaptive Planning. This is related only to the annual Operating Budget approval window. Please do not request this without the Budget Office's pre-approval. | Must be VP/DDDHC or designated personnel. |